Warachicuy – The Inca Warrior Ritual

Warachicuy was a traditional Inca ceremony, held many years ago, marking the passage from adolescence to maturity, revealing new warriors of the Inca Empire.   The military ritual survived the years and is still remembered today in Cusco, reaffirming the Inca culture in the region.   Physical strength and preparation to become a great warrior were revealed through this ritual   The young were subjected to physical exertion tests and through them, they were inserted in hierarchy in the Inca community.    
"Haylliy wayna inkakuna!" - "Triumph, young Incas!" (phrase in Quechua, exclaimed in the ritual).  

How is Warachicuy nowadays?

  If you have been to Cusco during the month of September, it is likely that you have already witnessed the celebration of this ritual that was performed very seriously by the Inca people.   Held on the third Sunday of September, Warachicuy brings together approximately 1,500 young people.   The event, this year, was promoted by the Higher Education Institute Gregoria Santos.   The physical exertion tests are still performed, but with less intensity. An importantly preserved fact to keep the festive pattern.     How is Warachicuy nowadays - Viajes Cusco  

How are the tests?

  After all the ceremonies have been completed, the tests begin. Are they:   Speed: Obstacle course on the terrace.   Strength: A rope tug test.   Resistance: Test where participants are suspended between two parallel strings, where the winner is the one who reaches the other end.   Capacity: Jump through fire hoops.   Worth: A test that involves crossing a suspension bridge from one end to another.   At the end of the tests, participants are welcomed and marked by passage to adulthood.   In Cusco, resistance tests are still ongoing and students have been preparing for months in order to complete all the tests and win.     The Warachicuy Festival - Viajes Cusco

The Warachicuy Festival

  Después de que se hayan completado todas las ceremonias, comienzan las pruebas. Son ellos:   Velocidad: Obstáculo en la terraza.   Fuerza: una prueba de tirón de cuerda.   Resistencia: prueba donde los participantes están suspendidos entre dos cadenas paralelas, donde el ganador es el que llega al otro extremo.   Capacidad: Salta a través de aros de fuego.   Valor: una prueba que implica cruzar un puente colgante de un extremo a otro.   Al final de las pruebas, los participantes son bienvenidos y marcados por el paso a la edad adulta.   En Cusco, las pruebas de resistencia aún están en curso y los estudiantes se han estado preparando durante meses para completar todas las pruebas y ganar.   How are the tests - Warachicuy - Viajes Cusco  
"Haylli mosoq inkakuna ... qochorikuychis!" "Young Incas, enjoy your victory".  
Warachicuy - Viajes Cusco Peru   Watch the video:  

  Inspiring Source: Parlamento Andino and Canal Muni Canchis Images: Flickr

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