Local culture – Virgin of the Nativity Festivity

A Festividad de la Virgen de Natividad or Birth of Our Lady, is a tradition of the most awaited by the residents of Cusco. Celebrated on September 8, the Catholic festival takes place in the form of a procession, with the image of the saint, music and dancers in the streets and local churches.   Festa da Virgen da Natividade Viajes Cusco Peru  

Virgin of the Nativity Festivity

  The celebrations begin on the eve of the event, where blocks of processions, walk the streets, squandering and infecting the people with joy. Music, dance and typical costumes are the local cultural expression, to celebrate a date so dear to them. The birth of Our Lady, affectionately called “Mamita Natividad”. The blocks, involving adults, children, men and women, infect tourists and others who watch their cheerful presentations. Although there is policing present on the streets, the division between the blocks and the people they assist is practically imperceptible. Which further spread the people through the streets of Cusco.    Festa da Virgen da Natividade Crianças  

How does the event work?

  In the morning, a solemn Mass in the Church of Almudena is held and begins the festivities, delivering the image of the saint to the procession. Then the procession follows with presentations choreographed by different dance groups, which "compete among themselves" in the homage to the saint. The costumes and choreography are evaluated and extremely capricious for the blocks that parade.   Blocos pelas ruas Festa da Virgen da Natividad Viajes Cusco   Another interesting point is that the other churches, also decorated, open the doors for the event's revelers. Where these, with their joy and devotion, respectfully invade the churches.   Igrejas na Festa da Virgen da Natividad Viajes Cusco   For the people of Cuzco, to show their tradition is of the utmost importance. For this reason, the commitment and dedication in this celebration is fundamental. The end of the event is also made with Mass. Where the image returns to the church and the blocks meet at a large mass and celebration. A mix of celebration, religiosity, culture and respect!   Poetry a la Natividad de Maria Canten hoy, pues nacéis vos, los ángeles, gran Señora, y ensáyense, desde ahora, para cuando nazca Dios.   Canten hoy, pues a ver vienen nacida su Reina bella, que el fruto que esperan de ella es por quien la gracia tienen.   Digan, Señora, de vos, que habéis de ser su Señora, y ensáyense, desde ahora, para cuando nazca Dios.   Pues de aquí a catorce años, que en buena hora cumpláis, verán el bien que nos dais, remedio de tantos daños.   Canten y digan, por vos, que desde hoy tienen Señora, y ensáyense, desde ahora, para cuando nazca Dios.   Y nosotros, que esperamos que llegue pronto Belén, preparemos también, el corazón y las manos.   Vete sembrando, Señora, de paz nuestro corazón, y ensayemos, desde ahora, para cuando nazca Dios. Amén.   (Lope de Vega)       Fonte inspiradora e imagens: Uma senhora viagem e Primeiros Cristianos  

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