{"id":3446,"date":"2017-10-25T00:39:25","date_gmt":"2017-10-25T00:39:25","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/viajescuscoperu.com\/?p=3446\/"},"modified":"2022-08-11T21:15:16","modified_gmt":"2022-08-12T00:15:16","slug":"why-do-you-need-know-rainbow-mountain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/viajescuscoperu.com\/novo\/en\/why-do-you-need-know-rainbow-mountain\/","title":{"rendered":"Why do you need to know the Rainbow Mountain?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Besides being an indescribable place for art, history and civilization, Monta\u00f1a de Colores or Mountain Rainbow, it has an effect on each one of us.<\/span>
\nThis effect is created by the set of experiences of rise and fall of this world of 7 colors that has always enchanted us. With you it will not be any different!<\/span><\/p>\n


“In reality you work with a few colors. What gives the illusion of its number is put in its right place. “Pablo Picasso<\/em><\/strong><\/h2>\n<\/blockquote>\n

\n <\/p>\n

Reasons to know the Monta\u00f1a de Colores<\/b><\/h1>\n

\n1-<\/span>Influence of colors:<\/b> It is no secret to anyone that colors have a direct influence on our mood, our breathing rate and thoughts, until we realize.<\/span>
\nWith this in mind, visiting a natural and colorful place, indescribable by its magnitude and size, influences us and leads us to several healthy reflections. Promoting then, an inner vision, through a visit to a place.<\/span>
\n2-The power of travel:<\/strong> Traveling is one way of enriching oneself with experiences and expanding the potential of thinking. Philosophers and thinkers have already said that the further and more pleasant your journey is, the more it will bring you mental benefits.<\/span>
\nAt Monta\u00f1a Colorida, you not only experience the experience of a trip, but also the sense of connection with an ancestral people that dictates and still dictates much the way of life in Peru.<\/span>
\n3-<\/span>Different Cultural Contact: <\/b>Cultural difference is what sets us apart from other people. Neither colors, races, languages or lifestyle are as different as the effect of culture on the mind of a people.<\/span>
\nFor the natives, the Monta\u00f1a de Las 7 Cores is a place of healing; worshiped by his ancestors. As much as your culture is different, when you step on this spot, you feel its importance to that people.<\/span>
\nThis experience is fantastic. It is as if for moments, you changed of culture and was part of that civilization.<\/span>
\nIn the return of this experience, your daily life will deal more lightly with the differences of several types, because the perception of living in another culture, is already part of you. Sensational, is not it?<\/span>
\n <\/p>\n

Before we talk about the 4th reason, I would like to invite you to see a post talking about the way to the Mountain. <\/b><\/h2>\n


In this post, we talk about the journey to the top of this marvel in Cusco:<\/b><\/b> Monta\u00f1a de Colores, um peda\u00e7o do arco-\u00edris em Cusco<\/a><\/span><\/h2>\n

\n4-<\/span>Personality: <\/b>The fourth and last reason I want to pass you (among so many that exist, but would make this post very extensive), is his personality.<\/span>
\nEach one of us has his desires, his dreams and his affections. Going to meet new cultures is to expand this potential of dreams and achievements.<\/span>
\nCreate new wings to lead new experiences and new ways of thinking. This pleases none other than you! <\/span>
\nVisit Monta\u00f1a de Colores, well worth it.<\/span>
\nSee you next post!<\/span>
\nSee below a video of the Mountain, made by the channel Para Todos.<\/span><\/p>\n