Inti Raymi – The Festival of the Sun

Inti Raymi is also known as the Festival of the Sun.

Heritage of the Inca culture, the event has been taking place since 1944 in Cusco, starting at the Qoricancha (Temple of the Sun), following the Plaza de Armas, towards the Esplanade of Sacsayhuaman, an archaeological site, where the main ceremony takes place.

Here, we will tell you in detail about one of the most important events for the Cusco community.

If you have been or one day will be a tourist of this rich place in history, this post is for you!

What is Inti Raymi?

A historical event, created by the Inca civilization, more than 6 centuries ago, to venerate, sacrifice and give offerings to the Sun God, the practices common to this civilization, previously.

Considered children of the Sun God, the Incas dedicated their entire existence and everything that surrounded them to them.

When the previous agricultural year, which lasted from May to June, and the beginning of a new agricultural year in July, the Incas celebrated this transition very seriously.

They then created this event that takes place annually as the transition of a new year to the Inca civilization.

Inti Raymi and the transformation of Cusco

Those who have been in Cusco during the months of June to August can see the transformation and mobilization of the entire city for the event.

Inti Raymi begins on June 24 and lasts until August.

This event is so important for the residents of Cusco that most of them are involved in the staging and characterization of the Fiesta del Sol.

This characterization, typical of the Incas, is impressive and spreads colors, textures and movements throughout the region.

That is why Inti Raymi is one of the most recommended local events for visitors: rich in history, culture and commitment.

What do tourists need to know about Inti Raymi?

Normally the Inti Raymi programming is launched annually, but the main celebration takes place on June 24, usually.

9:00: The celebrations begin at Qoricancha, one of the main temples, built by the Incas, for the praise of the Sun God. (Free admission, lasts approximately 30 min).

11:00: The event goes to the Plaza de Armas, where the participants have dinner at the chegada dos incas na cidade. (also free entry, lasts approximately 45 min.)

13:00: The main ceremony of the event takes place in Sacsayhuamán, an important archaeological site in the region.

In this main event, the Inca king organized the sacrifice of an alpaca while invoking the Sun God. (Limited tickets, sold according to the position of the stands, last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes).

During all the stages of the event, it is possible to notice the current importance of the Cuzco people, in relation to the Inca culture and its ancestors.

Every detail in color, textures, movements and performance is thoroughly rehearsed for months before the event.

The characterizations are increasingly faithful to what has been recorded about the Incas.
This is undoubtedly a very important event for those who want to learn about the Inca tradition.

If you are interested in this event, check the options Cusco Peru Travel for Inti Raymi.

Inspiring sources: Machu Picchu Brazil and Quanto Custa Viajar

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Vanessa Luffet
Viajes Cusco Peru
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