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Trip Plan

Welcome and transfer in Lima Our Staff will be waiting for you in Lima, we will transfer you to your Hotel in the Capital, you will receive information about your trip next morning.
Very early in the morning you'll be picked up from your hotel in Lima to the Bus Station to Paracas Then you will be transferred to the Paracas harbor located nearby. At the Paracas dock you will board the speed-boat equipped with life vests and comfortable seats. At this point is advisable to wear the jacket or wind breakers good as it gets very windy once the boat gets in motion. We will leave Then towards the Ballestas Islands. Along the way we will see the famous figure known the The Chandelier, an enigmatic design etched on the desert floor Hundreds of years ago. The chandelier is overlooking the Ocean, so here you will have the chance to take pictures, as well as to learn about the most popular theories about it. Afterwards we will proceed to the Ballestas Islands.The Ballestas Islands are inhabited by an amazing marine life,with over 200 types of migratory and resident birds, including Peruvian Pelicans, Belcheras gulls, Humboldt penguins, cormorants guanay, red-legged cormorants, Inca terns, Peruvian boobies, turkey vultures, among others. In addition you will Also see around the Islands Hundreds of sea lions resting at the beaches, sleeping on the rocks or swimming nearby. The Islands Also Provide shelter to the shy Humboldt penguins Which are Usually seen at the entrances of small caves near the cliffs. After touring around the islands for about 1 hour we will return to the Paracas harbor.In addition you will Also see around the Islands Hundreds of sea lions resting at the beaches, sleeping on the rocks or swimming nearby. The Islands Also Provide shelter to the shy Humboldt penguins Which are Usually seen at the entrances of small caves near the cliffs. After touring around the islands for about 1 hour we will return to the Paracas harbor.In addition you will Also see around the Islands Hundreds of sea lions resting at the beaches, sleeping on the rocks or swimming nearby. The Islands Also Provide shelter to the shy Humboldt penguins Which are Usually seen at the entrances of small caves near the cliffs. After touring around the islands for about 1 hour we will return to the Paracas harbor. During our excursion to the Paracas Reserve you will visit the center of interpretation of Paracas, an interesting building que displays through photos, all the fauna, flora, and many other important facts about the Paracas Peninsula. Afterwards we will drive to the Paracas Peninsula, driving throughout a lifeless desert till we reach an area where once stood a great natural rock formation known to the Cathedral. Unfortunately this old formation did not withstand the 2007 earthquake que virtually left in ruins the most of the cities near que zone. At the place our site guide will give you more details about it and Then you will have free time to walk along the edge of the peninsula. At this zone you will have amazing views of the desert and the blue Pacific Ocean.Later on we will return to our private vehicle and keep driving along the shore of the ocean passing the beach of Yumaque. After some team we will arrive in the little fishing village of Lagunillas, where we will have plenty of time to walk around and Also to enjoy great Peruvian food at any of the local restaurants overlooking the ocean. After all our visits we will take a bus to Nazca where we will spend the night at our hotel.
At the designated team, our staff will pick you up from your hotel and afterwards you will be transferred to the local airport of Nazca, located just 4 kilometers away from downtown. Upon your arrival at the airport, our staff will show you a video film about The Nazca Lines. This interesting documentary lasts about 40 minutes and Involves serious information about the Nazca Culture, as well as the figures you will see from the air. For this aerial tour, you will board a small Cessna single-engine aircraft (Station air, Skyhawk or Skyline type), Which has spacious room for 5 people, each person with a window seat. After the video, our Inglês speaking pilot will proceed to give you a briefing about this air tour and Also will give each participant a map of the archaeological zone, Which shows all the figures you will see from the air.After some basic information about the Lines and safety instructions, you will board the airplane and will take off. In a matter of just two minutes you will be flying over the Nazca Lines zone, and the first figure you will see from the air it will be the whale. This beautiful marine deity is located on the eastern part of the archaeological complex, and was drawn over a big rectangular figure (see Nazca Lines map). As soon as we get close to the whale our pilot will let you know and will Then fly in circles over it.and was drawn over a big rectangular figure (see Nazca Lines map). As soon as we get close to the whale our pilot will let you know and will Then fly in circles over it.and was drawn over a big rectangular figure (see Nazca Lines map). As soon as we get close to the whale our pilot will let you know and will Then fly in circles over it. The next figure you will see is a triangle, Which appears over a small hill featuring 3 points. On the other side you will see the famous trapezoids Also que, According to Erick von Daniken Were ancient runways for visitors from another planet. These trapezoids are about 2 kilometers long and Their perfection is stunning. Some kilometers further west we will find one of the strangest creatures on the Nazca desert (The Astronaut). Unlike the other drawings, the astronaut was etched on the slope of a small hill, and not on the desert surface. His body is facing to the south and According to Maria Reiche it does not represent an astronaut, but a shaman or ancient Nazca Priest, magic powers with someone who Could predict the weather. Later on we will fly over the monkey figure, an enormous drawing que measures about 90 meters in length,and shows five fingers at one hand and on the other just foursymbolizing the 9 month of drought the Nazca Suffered people every year. The monkey figure was discovered in 1954 by Marie and Reiche ,, According to her point of view it is associated to the big deeper constellation. After the monkey, we will fly over the dog figure, a small drawing que According to some scholars it Represents the divinity worshiped by the Nazca people. Then it comes one of the best preserve figures of the whole area (The hummingbird), a gorgeous design perfectly made on a dark plateau located at one corner of the archaeological complex. According to Maria Reiche this figure is associated with the summer solstice, the one of the lines connected to its beak, points towards the place where the sun rises every year during our summer solstice.Not very far from the Hummingbird, you will find the spider, the figure que According the local knowledge, Represents the fertility and water, to this insect used to appear When it is going to rain or the water in the rivers is about to eat. Some meters away we will find the huge condor figure, featuring a straight line que crosses its wings and points towards the place where the sun sets every year on summer solstice. Our next figure will be the flamingo, Which is the longest figure on the desert, with over 300 meters. According to Maria Reiche the beak of this bird points towards the place where the sun rises every year on winter solstice. Then we will fly over the parrot figure, a huge bird with about 230 meters in length. In addition to the parrot you will see Also Several geometric designs around, and the beautiful valley of Ingenio.Finally we will fly over the Pan-American Highway, where you will see 2 figures; the hands and the Huarango tree. If you look carefully, you will find next to the tree, another figure representing a big lizard. Unfortunately When the people built the highway in 1937 They had no idea That ancient figures Were drawn there, so the cut the lizard figure in two, destroying Mainly the central part of its body, leaving the tail on one side of the road and on The other side of its back part, and its complete head with its two hands. After flying over These figures, we will return to the airport and During the way back you still can enjoy other straight lines que run for kilometers and a stunning panoramic view of the Nazca desert.If you look carefully, you will find next to the tree, another figure representing a big lizard. Unfortunately When the people built the highway in 1937 They had no idea That ancient figures Were drawn there, so the cut the lizard figure in two, destroying Mainly the central part of its body, leaving the tail on one side of the road and on The other side of its back part, and its complete head with its two hands. After flying over These figures, we will return to the airport and During the way back you still can enjoy other straight lines que run for kilometers and a stunning panoramic view of the Nazca desert.If you look carefully, you will find next to the tree, another figure representing a big lizard. Unfortunately When the people built the highway in 1937 They had no idea That ancient figures Were drawn there, so the cut the lizard figure in two, destroying Mainly the central part of its body, leaving the tail on one side of the road and on The other side of its back part, and its complete head with its two hands. After flying over These figures, we will return to the airport and During the way back you still can enjoy other straight lines que run for kilometers and a stunning panoramic view of the Nazca desert.Mainly destroying the central part of its body, leaving the tail on one side of the road and on the other side of its back part, and its complete head with its two hands. After flying over These figures, we will return to the airport and During the way back you still can enjoy other straight lines que run for kilometers and a stunning panoramic view of the Nazca desert.Mainly destroying the central part of its body, leaving the tail on one side of the road and on the other side of its back part, and its complete head with its two hands. After flying over These figures, we will return to the airport and During the way back you still can enjoy other straight lines que run for kilometers and a stunning panoramic view of the Nazca desert. Once the tour is over, we will start with our trip on Bus to Arequipa where our staff will be ready to driver you to the Hotel in Arequipa.
Early departure towards the highlands passing through Yura-Pampa La Pulpera Catahuas and with good Possibility of observing groups of wild vicuñas and fighting cattle. Stop en route to see petrogliphs in the Caves of Mollepunco and in the town of Callali to see natural hill formations with the appearance of enchanted castles. Drive to La Calera to enjoy the thermal baths under the stars. Return to Chivay for overnight.
To maximize your probability of seeing condors we depart very early towards the "Cross of the Condor" at about an altitude of 15,000 feet. Drive a little further in to the canyon to see some bad pre-Inca and watch the way of life in this remote land. Return to Chivay for lunch and afternoon return to Arequipa.
We will pick you up from your Hotel starting the City tour in "La Ciudad Blanca" including the Convent of Santa Catalina cloistered convent built in 1580 and was enlarged in the 17th century. The over 20,000-square-meter monastery is predominantly of the Mudejar style, and is characterised by the vividly painted walls. There are Approximately 20 nuns Currently living in the northern corner of the complex; the rest of the monastery is open to the public. Also we will visit Main Square, Compania of Jesus, Cayma and Yanahuara, with a magnificent view of Volcano "El Misti".
Early in the morning you will be picked up from your hotel by our site and guide Then transferred to the harbor. We start off our boat excursion of Lake Titicaca by visiting The Uros Floating Island, a small community has lived on que These reed Islands for decades. Centuries August the small indigenous Uros tribe conceived of the islands as a way to isolate and protect Themselves from rival tribes, the Collas and the Incas. The Uros people harvested the reeds in the shallows of the lake, bundled Them together tightly and built floating island platforms complete with reed houses and canoes, creating in this way Their own little world. After strolling around the floating Islands, we will continue our journey towards Taquile Island (2 hour aprox.), A traditional Quechua speaking community,full of ancient agricultural terraces and some ruins dating back to the pre-Inca times. The Taquile population was Relatively isolated from the mainland until 1950s, and the notion of the community and family is still very strong among Them. At the top of the Island, you will have free time to explore this place on your own and afterwards you will meet the group for lunch at one local restaurant. After lunch, we will descent to the harbor to take our boat back to Puno. We will be back in Puno by 17:00. Approximately.After lunch, we will descent to the harbor to take our boat back to Puno. We will be back in Puno by 17:00. Approximately.After lunch, we will descent to the harbor to take our boat back to Puno. We will be back in Puno by 17:00. Approximately.
After breakfast, we will drive you to the bus station to start with our trip to Cusco this tour lasts around 8 hours you will have 4 guided visits, Andahuaylillas's temple or South American Sixtine Chapel, the Inka temple of Raqchi, Buffet lunch in Sicuani, La Raya at 4335 masl and the Inka Aymara museum of Pukara. Every visit has a duration of 20 or 40 minutes, where the passenger will be able to make questions, take photos and walk a for a while, doing our trip very pleasant .Then we wll arrive in Cusco, and our staff will drive
City tour around Cusco and outskirts In Cusco "The Archaeological Capital of America", Our staff will be waiting for you to drive you to the Hotel, where you will drink coca tea Then you can rest for a while .around 13:30 hrs We 'll pick you up from your Hotel to start visiting the Following attractives with a professional guide: The Koricancha Palace and Convent of Santo Domingo center Religious known as "The Temple of the Sun" where you will admire the impressive engineering used in its construction The Cathedral: Colonial religious monument of extraordinary artistic value. Sacsayhuaman: . Built up to 3 km from the city of Cusco, impressive stone fortress with an excellent architecture, Famous for its huge carved stones some of Which are at 9 m / 30 feet off the floor, with a weigh of 350 tones. Here is where the Inty Raymi or Fiesta del Sol is held in June Every year. Qenqo: Ceremonial and ritual center, amphitheater where sacrifices Were made. Puca-Pucara: An old tambo (resting place), monitoring place throughout the Inka Empire Routes. Tambomachay: . At 7 Km From the city of Cusco, ceremonial center of cult to the water, known traditionally the place where the water rests. At the return to Cusco we can be dropped off near to main Square or at The Dance and Music Show to watch tipical dances of Cusco.
From 05:45 hrs to 06:00 hrs., We pick you up from your Hotel in Cusco (3400 mosl) and drive you to the Train Station, located in Poroy, Then we get aboard the train and the trip from Cusco starts heading Aguas Calientes to (2000 mosl) œOur Guide Will be waiting there, he will lead us to the bus station, to go up by a zigzag way for 30 minutes to reach the world wide marvel the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, the lost city known the of the Incas. Once we get to Machu-Picchu, We'll pass throught the control, where we'll hand in our entrance tickets and where our guided tour will start, visiting the main square, the Circular tower, the sacred solar watch, the royal rooms , the temple of the three windows and the cementeries, it lasts around two hours. Afterwards you'll be given Beheerder enough time to have a walk around the citadel and have your meals,at any restaurant in Aguas Calientes or if you wish at Santuary Lodge (this is not included). In the afternoon you will return to Aguas Calientes Town and head for the Hotel where you'll spend the night, you can even go to the hot springs at night before to rest.
After getting up very early and having breakfast, you can head for Machupicchu in order to see the sunrise from the citadel (on your own), afterwards you can trek up to Huaynapicchu around 2 hours, you will Also spend all day long in Machupicchu taking more snaps and pictures, in the afternoon you shall return to Aguas Calientes to return to Cusco on train where our staff will be wating for you to lead you to the Hotel.
This tour starts around 9 am., We pick you up from your hotel, we have a guided tour to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, over the Vilcanota river, with a panoramic view of Pisac an old Inca City and a visit to the Inka market in this village, where we will have the chance to know in a closer way its people customs and get good bargains with the handycrafts and souvenirs sellers, afterwards we'll head for Urubamba, traveling on the borders of the river Vilcanota. We'll have lunch at a restaurant in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. In the afternoon we visit the fortress and citadel of Ollantaytambo, built to watch the entrance to this part of the valley and protect it from the jungle habitants invasions. We'll have the chance to walk by the narrow streets and have a clear knowledge of how this military, religious and cultural center was During the Inca empire. On the way back to Cusco we will stop by the colorful village of Chinchero, where we will find the ruins of the Tupac Inca Yupanqui Royal House, we will appreciate its well preserve Inca wall in the man square and you will visit the beauty Colonial Temple with invaluable portraits, built over Inca Bases. Then we return to Cusco.
We pick you up from the hotel in Cusco at least two hours before your flight leaves to Lima, There our personal will welcome you back in the hall of the airport and transfer you to the hotel. After resting for a while we'll start visiting the most interesting places of the "City of the Kings": the Cathedral, Pizarro's Tomb, the Catacombs of San Francisco, passing through the Congress, the Palace of Torre Tagle. The residential areas of Orrantia, San Isidro, where we will visit the Huaca Pucllana, we will enjoy a spectacular sight of the Pacific Ocean. Rafael Larco Herrera Museum, where you will find a great quantity of preincaica pottery including the World biggest collection of erotic Huacos, Then we'll spend the night at the Hotel.
This day you will have enough time to have walks around Lima on your own, visit some Malls, Cinema Theaters, and some other places of interest.
We'll be at your hotel at least two hours before your flight leaves to take you to the airport where you should check your plane ticket and pay the airport tax, we'll see you to the departure launge.


  • 2 transfer to Lima Airport Hotel
  • 1 City tour to the “City of Kings”
  • 3 Nights at selected hotel in Lima including breakfast (as accommodation)
  • 1 night in selected hotel in Nazca includes breakfast (according to accommodation)
  • 2 Nights at selected hotel in Arequipa includes breakfast (according to accommodation)
  • 1 night in selected hotel in Colca Canyon includes breakfast (according to accommodation)
  • 2 nights in selected hotel in Puno includes breakfast (according to accommodation)
  • 4 nights in selected hotel in Cusco including breakfast (as accommodation)
  • 1 night hotel in Aguas Calientes includes breakfast (according to accommodation)
  • 1 Airplane Flight Cusco – Lima (1 hour)
  • 1 flight to the Nazca Lines (40 minutes)
  • 1 airport transfer to Cusco hotel.
  • 1 City tour of Cusco and Surroundings (Afternoon 13:30 hrs – 18:30 hrs)
  • 1 Typical dance and music night show (from 19:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs)
  • 1 Tour Machu Picchu Expedition Train (Full Day 06:00 hrs – 20:00 hrs)
  • 1 Tour to the Sacred Valley of the Incas 1 includes lunch (Full day 8:00 pm – 19:00 pm)
  • 1 Transfer from the hotel andalusia tourism terminal Puno to Cusco.
  • 1 guided tour of Cusco and Puno 1 includes lunch (Full day 08:00 hrs – 18:00 hrs)
  • 1 Tour Lake Titicaca, Uros Island, Taquile
  • 1 Transfer from the hotel in Lima to the bus terminal in Lima
  • 1 bus ride from Lima to Paracas (08:00 hrs – 13:00 hrs)
  • 1 Travel by bus to Nazca Paracas (13:00 hrs – 17:00 hrs)
  • 1 Tour to the Ballestas Islands
  • 1 bus ride from Arequipa to Nasca (13:00 hrs – 21:00 hrs)
  • 1 Transfer from the bus terminal to hotel or airport
  • 14 Breakfast at hotels
  • 03 Buffet lunch in Urubamba, Lake Titicaca and Sicuani.


  • Lunch in RESTAURANT
  •  ALL TICKETS Meuseum

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Vanessa Luffet
Viajes Cusco Peru
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